16 th and 17 th January 2025
Dear Sir/Madam,
Nehru College of Engineering and Research Centre (NCERC) in association with Institute of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Palakkad & Kozhikode Sub-Centres is hosting National Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Engineering (NCETSE-2025) in hybrid mode on 16th and 17th of January 2025, as part of Nehru Science Innovation and Technology Expo (NSITE 2025). The conference aims to provide a platform for academicians, researchers, students, and professionals to discuss and showcase cutting-edge advancements and innovative practices in engineering and basic sciences. By fostering a multidisciplinary exchange of ideas, the conference will promote integrated approaches to addressing real-world challenges.
The following indicative topics, but not limited to, are welcome to be submitted for the conference.
Track 1: Frontiers in Engineering and Technology
Track 2: Applications of Basic Sciences in Engineering and Technology
Track 3: Business Innovations and Digital Transformation
Track 4: Next-Generation Computing and Applications
Track 5: Smart Systems and Automation
Track 6: Health Care and Biotechnology Innovations
Special Track for School Students , Track 7: Future Innovators: School Edition
Those who submitted the abstract, please check the mail.
We kindly request that you complete the registration and submit the camera-ready paper on or before January 10, 2025. The registration link and fee details are below.
The papers will be published in the NCETSE Conference Proceedings with ISBN Number: 978-81-966538-1-1.
The time slot and venue details will be shared based on the mode of presentation selected and confirmed during the registration process.
Convenor, NCETSE - 2025
9847270179, 8921686536
ncetse@nehrucolleges.com | www.ncerc.ac.in